Tips on Engineering


Friday, September 19, 2014

[TIPS] More than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts.... [VERY USEFUL] READ & SHARE

Keyboard Shortcuts (Microsoft Windows)

1. CTRL+C (Copy)
2. CTRL+X (Cut)
... 3. CTRL+V (Paste)
4. CTRL+Z (Undo)
5. DELETE (Delete)
6. SHIFT+DELETE (Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin)
7. CTRL while dragging an item (Copy the selected item)
8. CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item (Create a shortcut to the selected item)
9. F2 key (Rename the selected item)
10. CTRL+RIGHT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word)
11. CTRL+LEFT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word)
12. CTRL+DOWN ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph)
13. CTRL+UP ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph)
14. CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Highlight a block of text)
SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document)
15. CTRL+A (Select all)


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Conversion factors of engineering

Unit is representation of any of any physical parameter with its magnitude. Engineers and scientists mainly use much numbers of units. There are several unit systems as like metric, British and so on. Every engineer have to know about the conversion factors of units that used in your daily life.
As like for example, which unit you prefer to express the room size of your house? meter or feet? i mostly prefer feet so i can imagine the size. If some one said me room size is X meter then i just calculate easily multiply it 3.28 tentatively and set the size of room in mind. Its just one type of habit even i mostly use "m" as unit of measurement in other cases.
Here i collected some engineering unit conversion factors, that might be useful for you. take a look at these followings..... 
You can also share your ideas on using of units.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

FREE PDF file translator service you may not know

We have many more problems when have to read documents in language other than you know. Google has now give you an opportunity to translate a file in web. You can translate pdf file, translate word file or any others....
No need to copy and paste the texts in web, Just go to then in the bottom of translate box, you can see "Type text or a website address or translate document".


Friday, January 31, 2014

How to save your Facebook account from spams

Social media is now very common in life, Facebook is the most used platform even though activities on Facebook getting down, it is the most used social media till now.
You have a Facebook account, you have friends, followers. When you posted something in your feed then that will be a public, not your own. When something posted in your timeline either by yourself or else it is your responsibility to face effects of that post. Your timeline is the mirror of your own.
You might see some vulgar posts, videos, link posts in other friends timeline or you you might got in message come links or you might got some notification that you mentioned somewhere.....
These all are spams, your friends did not know what was happening because they did not care about silly points when they clicked.
You want to be safe from such spams????? Of course every one have to be careful on this, it may damage your social life, your dignity may fall to ground when you have to face such problems.

How it happens??

When you click on some applications then they take to you to a pop up window, where you have to click to go ahead and there they sets their terms and conditions that they have permission to enter to your profile, friend lists, email, and every thing and also they can post on behalf of you on your wall.

If you click OK then that means you agree on those terms so they post by your name which you did not know.
Here i want to show you one example
I saw this posts many time in my wall on behalf of different friends. You can see the title of this video seems very interesting so you might want to click on this but see here what happened when i clicked.
They are saying now they will receive the information of your public profile, friends list and email address, if want to allow them to get all your information and not only that they endorsed some where that they can post on behalf of you. For this case when i clicked on "App terms", it takes me to their web home page not to term and condition page, here they are doing fraud. so if you click on ok then they immediately post their link with same details on you timeline as looks like posted by yourself.

What facebook says on these points???

When i visited to facebook page i saw this....

They are clearly saying if an app asks to access your info or post on your behalf and you can not click cancel then it is not facebook's policiy.
Even if there is a option of cancel, it means if you give them access it is in your risk, what they will do on your timeline on your behalf.

How to be safe from such spams????

Mostly you have to be careful on clicking the applications in facebook. When you see some interesting things shared like videos, or tricks to increase likes on your posts or photos, or check your profile visitors etc... How you can guess those applications may be spam.
  • They posts same post for all users.
  • They might give their link on comments with your friend name.
  • They might send notifications for you if your friend used that one.
  • and many others
If you clicked unknowingly once then just cancel those process which ask you to give access in profile, friend lists, email address and posting on your behalf.
If already clicked OK then just go your timeline and delete those unwanted posts as fast as possible.

What may happen if you continue with allowing them all access???

  • They will have all access to your information.
  • Can misuse your information.
  • Can post unnecessary, vulgar links, videos in your timeline.
  • Can send message with such links
If you don't know such activities in your timeline but other can see, then what will happen you can imagine.

Above mentioned application is just one example, there are many such applications. Some of them might be useful or funny but many of them are spams.


If you had faced such spam problems then you can share here..... THANKS

Ten tips for success of engineering students

According to a survey by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, one third of college freshmen plan to major in science and engineering, while about 8 percent of all first-year students intend to concentrate in engineering proper. Some of these engineering students are destined to land major leadership roles in the United States and worldwide, while others are . . . well, every field has its "lesser lights."
We were interested in finding out what current engineering students could do to put themselves on the fast track to career success. We invited visiting blogger Edward Crawley, professor of engineering and director of the Bernard M. Gordon Engineering Leadership Program at MIT, to share with us the advice he gives his own undergraduate engineering students. Here are his best tips, most of which would work for any career-aspiring college student:
1. Identify the people who inspire you, and find out what makes them tick. If you love Apple products, Steve Jobs may be your idol, or perhaps you love the Segway and its creator, Dean Kamen. You can easily find out a lot of information about Jobs and Kamen—or just about any other prominent person in technology—so use it to look into what's helped these people and their companies become so successful. Then emulate their good traits in your personal, scholastic, and professional life.
2. Develop a portfolio of projects. Participate in every hands-on, experiential learning opportunity that a balanced schedule allows. This way, you'll have something unique to show a prospective employer (or venture capitalist) when you graduate, while other students will only be able to list their courses. In addition, you'll be far more likely to retain the knowledge you've gained in classes because you'll be applying it and, in the process, boosting your communication and interpersonal skills.
3. Learn the value of networking. When it comes to being a leader, whom you know is almost as important as what you know. Attend lectures on your campus and introduce yourself to the speakers. Check with your school's alumni association to get a list of alumni from your program who wants to connect with undergraduates.
4. Work in teams as much as you can. Whether it's creating a solar-powered car, participating in a sport, or writing for the school paper, get involved with an organization that requires a team effort to produce great results. Throughout your career, you can be sure you'll work in teams, and the skills you develop in school will help prepare you to lead teams when you graduate.
5. Seek informal leadership roles. You're always a leader, whether you're officially in charge of a team or not. Sounds counterintuitive, but you can lead from any position in an organization by influencing how people work together and how they make decisions. Usually people think that the leader is the president or the manager, but if you learn how to recognize and deal with various leadership styles from any position in a team, you'll be seen as a leader when you take on your first job or internship.
6. Find your flaws—and fix them. As with any skill, leadership needs constant improvement. When you are part of a team, try to create a way to get feedback from team members, group leaders, and professors. When you have concrete feedback on how people view you, you can work to improve your skills, including communication and leadership. Plus, you'll learn how to accept—and give—constructive criticism. That's absolutely necessary for your future career.

7. Take a business class. As an engineer, it's not enough for you to be technically proficient; you need to have business savvy. If you're going to be a leader, you need to understand what a P&L is (also known as an income statement), read organization charts, know how to negotiate contracts, and be familiar with the myriad other functions that every top engineer needs to know. Otherwise, you won't understand what to do when an accountant, lawyer, or middle manager gets in the way. A business course or two can take you a long way, and these classes are often easier to pass than your calculus course!
8. Take design and other humanities classes. There's a wide world out there beyond problem sets, laboratories, and theory. Take a visual design course so you'll learn to represent ideas graphically. Take a cognitive science course to learn how people interpret the world and understand it. Take a literature course to develop your knowledge and appreciation of the classic books, which will help you write and communicate more effectively.
5-Star Tip. Tomorrow's leaders will have to communicate effectively across international borders and be familiar with other cultures, so develop some proficiency in another language, travel abroad, or meet students from other cultures. Start "globalizing" right at college.
9. Make your summers productive. Employers place tremendous value on practical experience. Seek out internship opportunities actively and early in your academic career. Try to demonstrate through your internships a series of evolving leadership experiences, and use the internships to build your portfolio of actual projects/products. New graduates who can show a commitment to using their summer to continue to learn are always viewed more seriously by a prospective employer.
10. Recruit and develop your personal board of directors. As an undergraduate, you might feel alone when confronted with hard decisions about the courses to take, jobs to apply for, or even balancing school work and your personal life. You won't feel alone if you develop a personal board of directors just for you. Just as a company has a board that guides the organization, you can stock your board with professionals from organizations and companies, as well as former teachers and knowledgeable family friends.
Extra Pointer. Be sure to "nurture" your board of directors: Keep in touch with them, provide them regular updates, ask them for guidance, and be sure to thank them for any help they provide. And don't be afraid of conflicting advice. If members offer different suggestions, you'll have the occasion to balance off one idea against another and make your own decision—just like at a real company.

You can comment your opinion below

 (We found this useful for many students so share here without permission, Creator of these contents is professors guide)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Survey poll on discipline of engineering

By 10:35 PM
Hi Friends
We are going to have a poll, Which discipline of engineering or others you are belong to, hence just take few seconds to choose you answer. There are two surveys one is general and other is for civil engineers, If you belongs to civil engineering then please take part in second survey too. ....
Please share this and make your disciplines friends participation more
If you are belonging to civil engineering field then

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Thumb Rules on Civil Engineering: Dimensions of structural members

A convenient formula for approximating the dimensions of a concrete beam is the following
based on the cross-sectional dimensions 'b' and 'd':
where: 'b' = beam width (inches); 'd' = beam depth (inches); Mu = Max moment in beam (ft-kips)

The required area of tension steel reinforcing can be approximated by the following formula:
where: As = area of steel (square inches); Mu = max moment in beam (ft-kips); 'd' = beam depth (inches)

Under normal building loading conditions, the minimum depth of beams using Grade 60 reinforcing should be the following:
§  Simply Supported: D = L/16
§  One End Continuous: D = L/18
§  Both Ends Continuous: D = L/20
§  Cantilever: D = L/8
Moment of Inertia